Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eaton Canyon Observations-Armstrong

Eaton Canyon Observations

11:12 a.m.
Very sunny and warm when we get off the bus

11:14 Ms.
Mrs. Mullen shows us what poison oak looks like and we follow her down the trail

India and I begin to look for a campsite and a rabbit runns across the trail very quickly. Also there is some scat on the trail.

We found a nice shady spot so the tempreture feels cooler, we start taking pictures and look and listen for any signs of wildlife.

I hear many birds chirping and rustling in the bushes but do not see any animals. There are quite a few insects that keep nbugging me though.

I begin to eat my lunch but still see no animals except for the insects flying around.

India and I pack up and start to head back for the bus

On the way back we see som birds and a lizard

We arrive at the bus

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